全球車輪網(m.688rmb.cn) 與時俱進、服務至上,以新穎的思想為指導,深刻、全面分析車輪行業技術與市場的發展,關注全球車輪產業風云,帶領中國車輪企業發展;在生產廠家、商家與市場流通之間架起信息溝通的橋梁;協助中國車輪企業實施名牌戰略,幫助中國車輪企業了解行情,研發新品、促銷產品,把握商機,開拓市場;為中國車輪產、供、銷企業提供經濟快捷、準確、豐富的車輪專業信息服務及電子商務服務。截止到目前,網站日均訪問量達上萬余人次。每天都有新客戶通過我們的網站尋找到可信賴的合作伙伴和貿易伙伴,成為國內外企業貿易往來的優秀車輪平臺。中國車輪網在發展網絡平臺的同時,網下還進行工藝技術服務、專用設備研發以及專業人才推薦,這是其它網站無與倫比的特色服務。
全球車輪網(m.688rmb.cn)稟承“持續解讀車輪行業需求,不斷提升自身服務價值” 的服務宗旨,將不斷創新進取提升中國車輪企業核心的競爭力、不斷整合自身及行業資源、不斷突破觀念完善策略,為打造一流的中國車輪行業門戶而努力。
China wheel network ( m.688rmb.cn ) is a focus on the wheel field corporate image promotion and e-commerce services as one of the industry portal. The management team has engaged in R & D, production, sales, wheels for several decades experienced more than engineers, and has many years of enterprise B2B e-commerce experience of the professionals, is currently China 's largest network of media industry of wheel.
China wheel network (m.688rmb.cn ) temporarily located 7 service module, to innovative thought is guidance, profound, comprehensive analysis of wheel industry technical and market development, pay attention to the global wheel industry situation, leading the Chinese enterprises in the development of wheel; manufacturers, businessmen and market circulation set up the bridge of information communication; to assist the Chinese company of wheel the implementation of brand strategy, to help Chinese enterprises to understand the market wheels, promotional products, grasp the opportunities, develop the market for China; wheel production, supply, sell business to provide economic and quick, accurate, rich wheel professional information services and e-commerce services. Up to now, website daily average visit quantity of thousand more than person-time. Every day a new customers through our website to find reliable partners and trading partners, to become the domestic and foreign trade enterprises of the outstanding wheel platform. China wheel network in the development of the network platform at the same time, net also performed technology services, equipment research and development and professional recommendation, which is incomparable to other sites of special services.
China wheel network (m.688rmb.cn ) Bingcheng" continuing interpret customer needs, and constantly improve service value" as a principle of service, will be constant innovation to forge ahead to enhance China's enterprises core competitiveness, the wheel continuously integrate their own resources and industry, the breakthrough ideas and perfecting the strategy, in order to build a first-class Chinese wheel industry portal and efforts.